

Producer Image 1
Two Brooks Farm
Address: 404 East Court Street Sumner, MS, 38957
About Us
We at Two Brooks Farm intend a life cycle assessment of the product you purchase to result in the lowest possible cost to our planet’s resources and to society. Our ecologically grown rice takes large strides in making a small ecological, carbon, and water footprint while maintaining production and quality in a symbiotic and biologically dynamic environment. We strive to keep our land use per calorie generated low, as well as our resource cost per calorie generated low--perhaps unmatched. Our production and processing system gives us mighty leverage to accomplish this.
Our rice production is an innovative and holistic approach to cultivating rice that emphasizes the interconnectedness of the farm ecosystem. It incorporates sustainable practices, natural fertilizers, and traditional farming techniques to create a harmonious balance between agriculture and nature. We maintain several acres of watershed and forests to provide an ecosystem for species, such as waterfowl, that provide pest management and fertilizer for our crops. By following holistic principles, we aim to enhance soil fertility, minimize the use of synthetic chemicals, and promote the overall health of the rice plants. Due to the health of our soils and local ecosystems, we have been able to phase out the use of pesticides such as insecticides and fungicides. Our holistic rice production is not only environmentally friendly but also produces rice of exceptional quality and flavor, reflecting a deep respect for the land and its natural processes.