Cuban Oregano
Cuban Oregano
Replace fresh or dried oregano. A little goes a long way
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Cuban oregano is an edible semi-succulent. Do NOT refrigerate fresh leaves to keep well. Use in pork, and chicken dishes, in Pasta sauces and pesto.
Can be dried for cooking or potpourri
Rumor has that you can rub a cut leaf on your skin as an insect repellent.
Per it has significant amounts of antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties and can be made into a tincture as well as used for cooking.
Can be dried for cooking or potpourri
Rumor has that you can rub a cut leaf on your skin as an insect repellent.
Per it has significant amounts of antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties and can be made into a tincture as well as used for cooking.
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